Saturday, November 17, 2012

Halo 4 Review

Since 2001, Microsoft has been giving their fans one of the biggest blockbusters on the video game world, and this is obviously Halo. On November 6 they did it again, with the release of one of 2012 most anticipated games, and the beginning of a new era, Halo 4.

This review is going to be a little different, I’m just going to talk about the two most important things of Halo 4: Campaign and Multiplayer.

Halo 4’s campaign starts right were we left it on Halo 3. Master Chief is on board the Forward Unto Dawn who suffers some kind of accident. When Master Chief wakes up from his cryo-chamber, Cortana told him he has been there 4 years, meaning that from the end of Halo 3 to Halo 4, 4 years have passed. From here everything is action. Master Chief crashed to the new planet “Requiem” where he meets the “Forerunners”, the new alien species Master Chief has to fight.

Halo 4 is perfect in every way. The graphics are mind blowing, the way every cinematic in game is 100% CGI make it even better, the new textures for the weapons, the faces of the other humans, and well of course, the way they re-make Master Chief’s armor witch is totally awesome. The sound of the game, it’s something else; the way every gun, it doesn’t matter if it’s human, Covenant or Forerunner, all of them sound incredible.

Now in story I just can say Halo 4 is jaw dropping in all ways. I’m not even going to tell you anything more, because I think it’s so epic, it’s worth to play it your self and find out. But the only thing I was kind of disappoint was that if you are an actual Halo veteran, you can actually beat the campaign in 5 to 6 hours, and when you are a real Halo fan, and you have been almost 5 years waiting for Master Chief to come back, you don’t want to be just 5 to 6 hours playing with him.

But I guess 343 know what they are doing, they didn’t give us the players a really long story, but what they DO give us was an incredibly HUGE multiplayer experience, witch it our next theme.

Halo 4’s multiplayer it’s just, HUGE! The multiplayer counts with 2 types of game, War Games witch is the classic multiplayer PvP (Slayer, Capture the Flag etc.) and the newest mode called Spartan Ops witch is a Co-Op. Lets talk about Spartan Ops. Like I said, Spartan Ops is the newest multiplayer mode, it’s a Co-Op where you and up to three other players/friends have to complete missions. This mode has a really special way to work and this is that when you buy the game, it comes with what they call “Episode 1”. This episodes are going to be release weekly. There are 10 episode and each one includes 5 missions. The episodes also includes cinematic witch will tell you Halo 4’s 2nd campaign, witch is the player’s own Spartan IV Soldier campaign. So instead of combining the game’s campaign with the Spartan customization, they let you create your own Spartan IV for the multiplayer and they will tell you his/her story on the “Spartan Ops” every week with this episodes.

Other mayor changes on the multiplayer are:

  • The ability to customize your loadouts.
  • The new level system (Now it’s called Spartan Ranks) and the new Specialization wich are kind of classes. 
  • The new maps
  • All the new armors, helmets etc. they add to the Spartan customization.
  • And much more.

Halo 4 it’s an epic game, I’m sure every Halo fan will be pleased with it, specially with all the awesome things they add to the multiplayer experience. The story is awesome, the graphics can only be describe as “PERFECT” and the new sounds effects are mind blowing. So Halo 4 score is going to be a 10. But remember, this is just my opinion, feel free to play the game yourself and give it your own score.

- Alekz

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