Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Assassin's Creed III Review

For the last five years, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed has been one of the most anticipated games every year. Since the release of Assassin’s Creed II, everyone has been waiting for a new Assassin’s Creed game and even tho they release Brotherhood and Revelations, they were both with the same assassin as AC2 so we loved them, but we were waiting for a new story, with a new character and a new era; and yesterday, Ubisoft answered our prays with the release of Assassin’s Creed III.

As always, we will be making this review seen the three most important aspects of a video game: story, graphics and gameplay.

Assassin’s Creed III takes place in the 1770’s on the colonial United States. The game tells the story of a young native-american boy named Connor and how he becomes an assassin fighting against the Templars. In the game you can see Connor in three different times of his life; when he is a five year old boy, a 16 years old teen and a 19+ adult. The story takes you to different parts of the United States history, from battles that occurred in real life, to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, also showing you important people of history like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams and others. But obviously Assassin’s Creed is not only about the assassin in the animus, it’s also the story of Desmond Miles witch once again is a playable character on the game and this time his missions are part of the game, not optional, but they are actually pretty fun to play; and as Ubisoft revealed some weeks ago, this is Desmond’s last chapter.

Since the reveal of Assassin’s Creed III one of the first thing every fan notice is how the graphics changed. Assassin’s Creed III has one of the best graphics I’ve seen in a video game so far. Even tho it can be buggy some times, the game counts with spectacular graphics, from the environment to the people. Some times when you are on a in-game conversation, you can see other character’s mouth moving, but they are not actually talking ( That’s what I meant when I said there are some minor bugs). But one of the best thing in the graphics of the game, it’s how now you can see, for the first time in a Assassin’s Creed game, different seasons (Like everything is snowy when it’s Fall and everything it’s alive and green when its Spring) and something as simple as rain that makes the game so unique from the others of the franchise.

But the graphics are not the only mayor change on Assassin’s Creed III, the gameplay is a new one also; so lets start with the combat. AC3 counts with an excellent combat system. The player can feel how smooth and fast the character actually is and how easy it’s to kill someone, specially with the tomahawk (Witch it’s awesome!). But AC3 not only has hand to hand combat, it also counts with a new add on to the game called “Naval Warfare” witch allows the player to take control of a ship and fight against other ships on the sea (It’s like Pirates of the Caribbean but way cooler); witch it happens to be one of the best mini-games on the franchise. The game also counts with the classic free running movement of the assassins, but this time allowing you to climb up trees and even running inside a house witch you can use a chase breaker when the guards are chasing you, that without mentioning the character is way faster than the ones before and the new weapons are all good.

And for last the game, like the last two Assassin’s Creed games, has a multiplayer witch is the same as the Brotherhood and Revelations one, just with a few different things, but the system it’s still the same. The only mayor change on the multiplayer is the new game mode called “Wolf Pack” witch allows the player and three other friends to play as a team to take down their (AI) targets to make their own high scores, witch I have to admit, it’s pretty fun to play. 

To finish, Assassin’s Creed III is a great game. It has a story really fun to play, the graphics will blow your mind, and the game play is really addictive. The multiplayer, even tho it’s kind of the same as we have seen before, still really fun to play and if you have the chance, grab some friends and go play some Wolf Pack, it’s worth it. So to me Assassin’s Creed III score is a 9.5 and it’s the first game to enter our “Top 5 Sons of the Game’s Game of The Year”. But remember, this is only my opinion, feel free to play the game yourself and give it your own score.

By: Alekz

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